Monday, August 09, 2010

Smiling again

It's no secret if you've been around me for the past month (or even longer) that I haven't been the most jovial guy out there. I'm going through a fairly large rough spot in my personal life. In the end, I think I'm using this time for self reflection and self improvement which will in the end make me a stronger human.

Last week, specifically on Wednesday, I was feeling upbeat and energetic. I think I had this realization that I'm starting to remember who I am and most importantly, why I kick ass. It was also a great day because of a judge striking down Prop 8 in California. I also got to spend time with my BOLD intern Charleton. I later celebrated in the Castro with my roommates, Kevin and Michael. I don't think I've been that happy in a while.

Most importantly, I wasn't faking a smile or pretending to be happy. I was happy.

It was interesting because the next day I pinged my roommate Greg, who knows exactly what I'm going through right now in my personal life. He was like "I was just going to text you to tell you something. How funny." He was going to tell me that he doesn't even remember the last time he saw me happy. But the night prior he was really excited to see me truly happy.

It meant a lot for me to hear him say that. I know my mood affects those around me heavily. I don't want to be sad. I understand that I have to have a period of time to grieve. In some respects, I'm not quite done, but I'm definitely on the upswing. Most importantly, I'm smiling again.

Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

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