Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A semi work reunion

Today I had a semi-impromptu reunion with some old teammates, some of whom are still at Google and some decided to leave. We were all part of a team called the "Workflow Team" that focused on a variety of functions but never really had an identity. We then split into two different teams, but always stayed close.

Pictured above is me, Erin, Britt, Tolu, Renee, Ziv & Vickie. It's been probably been a year since we got a group of this size together. Here's what we originally looked like:

We basically just shot the shit and caught up with each other at the "hidden" Starbucks --- aka, the one near Best Buy and not 7-11. We're a fairly gossipy bunch. It's always fun because we're all don't take ourselves too seriously. Tolu and Renee are now married (albeit, not to each other). It was fun to hear about wedding life and honeymoons. It's also nice to get an outside perspective from former Googlers, because it keeps in check with reality.

I think we all feel like we're on the game show Survivor. Who'll be next? What if we all rigged the game and walked out together?

Let's be honest. People are dropping like flies. I'm getting upwards of 2 to 3 "Bon Voyage" emails a week. It makes you really think...

Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

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