Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Girly Lunch(es)

I love having 1:1 lunches with my girlies. I used to do it ALL the time in Mountain View. Now I'm lacking girlies in San Bruno.

I got to have lunch with my work wife, Cheryl, last friday in Mountain View. It was good to catch up (which we had LOADS to catch up on) as well as try food at a new cafe. Afterwords, I carpooled with friends down to LA/Riverside for the weekend.

Today, I got to catch up with my old teammate, Brittany, in Mountain View. We worked back in 2007/2008 on the same team as well as spent 3ish months in Ann Arbor together. We got to quickly catch up on boys, work, personal life, vacations and well, gadgets. :D

She recently took a vacation to Hawaii and Mammoth. She's also been with her guy for over a year. Boy how time flies! :D

I think I do so much better with 1:1 interactions than anything else. Anything more than 4 or 5 people and I tend to take a backseat. Anywho, I'm now of the philosophy there isn't a reason why you need to schedule lunch. Just do it! No reasons are needed. :)

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