Thursday, October 07, 2010

Quotable: Comparing Jobs to Relationships

When I was in Cambridge earlier in the week, I took a coffee break (well, tea break) at Starbucks with Mo and Elizabeth to catch up on life.

Much of the conversation revolved around boys. Then we started to chat about work for a little bit. Mo quoted a former colleague's (who's now at biz school at HBS) thoughts on work life vs. a relationship. She said,

Working at <insert company name> is like that boyfriend who treats you really well but that you're never really in love with. Eventually you'll part ways.

I've actually thought about what I'd expect out of work vs. what I'd expect out of a romantic relationship. It often overlaps (being challenged, consistently learning, etc.). I just found it fascinating that others thought of work the same way. Maybe it's just our generation. Our parents would never think such a thing. They're all about comfort and safety in the workplace. How did the mind shift happen?

Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

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