Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Dad's Surgery

Last Friday my Dad went in to Century City Doctor's Hospital to have Hip Replacement Surgery. He's had a bad hip for a while. He's not one to complain. He will sometimes let pain last a long time for fear of being a burden.

The surgery lasted only an hour and a half and everything went well. I visited him on Friday Night to make sure he was feeling okay. At one point My Mom, My Sister and I were in the room with him at the same time. We talked, watched Everyone Loves Raymond on KTLA, and just hung out. All 4 of us rarely see each other at the same time anymore. I suppose It's because I'm in Nor Cal while everyone else is still in LA.

On a side note, the rooms in the hospital were pretty. I like how each bed had a Flat Screen TV & Computer so you can check your email and such. At one point, a male nurse came in to test some vital signs for my Dad. He looked Filipino (and was presumably gay). I always find it fascinating how gays typically pick careers that have a focus on helping other people.

My Dad came back home on Monday and I got to give him a hug before I flew back to San Jose. Sometimes the small things are priceless.

He will be taking 3 weeks off work and can't drive for 10 days. Apparently there is a huge risk of dislocation during the first 10 days after surgery.

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