Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Vacation Matters

Aloha. So I'm on my first real vacation (i would define as a week +) since I started to work.

I've been pressured by many to take a vacation and I'm finally doing it. My old manager said to me in our last 1:1 meeting together, 'If it's one thing you learn from me... take a vacation.'

I always deemphasized this when working. I don't want to have to look at my inbox when I come back to work seeing hundreds of emails to sift through. But you know what... I freaking deserve this vacation.

Now It's Day 4 of my vacation. I haven't really done too much. Some tanning, eating, exercising, touring and photography. I also went Wine Tasting at a winery in Maui.

I forgot how much perspective you gain when you're on vacation. Especially to a place like Maui where life is so slow. You have time to think. It's really refreshing. Instead of thinking about the economy, presidential election or another world crisis, you think about what your next meal or activity will be. Sure, I feel guilty. Really I do. I even told my Mom this and she felt the same way.

I'm glad I'm gaining a bit more perspective on this trip. I'm becoming more observant. Noticing the little things around me that I would otherwise skip in my everyday life. I'm rediscovering what I love about living... things often lost in the shuffle. When I get back to Cali, maybe I'll change some of the things I was more hesitant to in the past, as well.

When I get back, I'm taking a post-vacation sanity day to recoop.

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