Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is silence really golden?

While vacationing in Hawaii, It's not uncommon to see a lot of couples. I mean... a lot of couples. Couples that are dating, married, on honeymoons, getting married... you get the whole bit in one place.

Over the past week, I've done a lot of observing. I'm noticing something I really didn't care too much to think about in the past.

What you ask? Silence

Can you hear it? Neither can I.

I've always assumed that most couples spend their time being chatty. Oh no. They're really not. We're talking a lot of time is spent being eerily silent.

I guess I've gone through life assuming silence is boring or the other person is uninterested if both people are quiet.

I mean, I know you have to be ultra comfortable with someone to get to the point of silence being golden, but I don't think I've quite been there yet.

I'll let ya know if I ever do...

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