Monday, September 21, 2009

Quotable Week

Here is a mix of real world quotes from friends as well as a couple thrown in from TV shows:
"Will, I knew you guys wouldn't last. I mean, he was so adamantly opposed to Glee. How can you not like Glee?" -Roland H.

"Will, I love your kitchen. It reminds me of a playschool toy set.' -Tony V.

"Are you sure he's straight? He's going to a Miley Cyrus concert.' -Greg D.

"Are you straight? Nope, you can't touch my breasts." -Yohana to Angelo

"Remind me not to name my kids Andrew." -Cindy C.

"Don't be Tardy for the Party... Whoa... Whoa" -Kim (a la The Real Housewives of Atlanta)

"I'm trying to figure out how to keep this disco ball." -Mark S.

"I really dislike White people today. Don't worry, I'll be back to hating on Asians again by tomorrow morning." -Chris L. (via Twitter)

"Do you like going to these events? I sure to see you and Ty at a lot of them." -Evan L.

"Will, Who's the woman in your calender?" [Insert Head Nod of Approval] -Tom P.

"Look at his profile. He's really handsome. Classically Handsome.' -Jodi, Caricature Artist

"You aren't ugly." -Compliment from a random guy at The Cafe.

"Omg I am at bday party in Hollywood hills as Chris is w all gay LA boys rite now. Where are youuu? And we just ate chinese takeout!" - Steph K. (via text)

"I miss TV Theme Songs. Soon, the theme song for 3 and a half men is just gonna be 'Meeeeh.'" -Neil Patrick Harris at the Emmys

"You sure are playing the role of the Bestie." -Tony V.

"I need something more than selling pot and writing Desperate Housewives fan fiction.' -Sandy on FOX's Glee


Roland H. said...

Will, I could have swore that my comment was a bit bitchier than what you wrote. Thanks for toning it down ;-)

Will K. said...

Haha. I'll take your word for it. ;)