Monday, December 22, 2008

Running into Ex's

When you date, you'll inevitably gain an ex. Thankfully, I've always had amicable breakups on good terms. Still, the moment you randomly run into an ex is going to feel a bit awkward.

Rewind to Saturday Night. I went out to a Holiday House Party in the Castro at Ryan's Place. After the House Party, Jesse, Ian, Leo, Richard, Jordan and I headed to Lime for some hip hop. (Side Note: You know when Lime is now your Hip Hop destination, something is a bit off. Both Jet and Transfer are being remodeled).

On the walk from 19th/Castro to Lime, I bumped into Peter, who i dated for a few months during the summer. He was with another white guy --- who I can only assume he's dating. I gave a wave (mainly because it was cold) not expecting a stop/catch up talk. I don't think Peter recognized me at first. Probably because I was wearing a Santa Hat. Anywho, Peter got (overly) excited -- even doing a little mini jump in the air -- and made the effort to actually stop and say hi. We exchanged brief words and moved on.

It was definitely nice to see him because we didn't break up in person. It was just a little awkward because of (1) His Reaction, (2) It was really cold, (3) I was with a group of people but didn't introduce him.

After we continued our trek to Lime, Ian had made a comment like [insert sarcasm] 'Wow, you couldn't tell he was gay at all, huh?' He saved himself by adding... 'He was cute, though!'

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