Saturday, December 20, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

So it's that time of year. Last minute Holiday shopping as well as getting and receiving gifts from famiy, friends and loved ones.

I think you hit a certain age where "things" start to not matter. Material possessions, while nice, aren't what's most important. Of course, retailers don't want us to think this way, eh? Especially in this economy.

So it's inevitable you get the 'So what do you want for Christmas?' question from family and friends. Sure, I'd be nice to own a couple of more DVDs or a new digital toy.

But really, what do I really want?:
  • A true relationship; Boyfriend if you will.
  • To travel outside North America for the first time. Experience cultures I've never thought I would.
  • New memories and experiences with my friends.
  • More time with my immediate family. I never get to see them, since I live in Northern California and they live in Southern California.
  • More adventures with friends that are not in the Bay Area. I'd love to spend a lot more time with my High School friends, my College Friends, friends I met while living in Ann Arbor and Washington DC and other Travel Adventures.
  • TIME in general - Time to read a book. Time to explore new hobbies. Time to actually watch DVDs. Time to work out. Time to have dinner with friends. Time to date. Time to myself. etc. etc.
I start to realize that what I really want revolves around: Relationships, Time and Happiness. Money can't buy you any of those.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you get a boyfriend and have left overs, feel free to send it over this way.
