Sunday, December 28, 2008

Intense Break

I've had a good week off work during the holidays, but it's been really intense in many respects, both mentally and physically. I'll write a more detailed entry later, but in short:
  • Amanda pulled through. My friend who got into a terrible car accident with little chance of survival from her doctors came back strong. She just recently blogged live from the Hospital Room. I knew she'd pull through because she is one tough cookie!
  • It's a small world. Good people know good people. Having many worlds from different time periods of my life collide at once is highly entertaining to say the least.
  • Communication is key. I'm thrilled that I have good friends who can be really honest with me, even when they know I'll be hurt. I've had to have conversations that I'm not quite used to, but I'm glad I did in the end. My whole outlook has changed for the better.
  • Captain obvious is usually right. No matter how much you're in denial, the obvious will always end up being true. One's intuition can be ignored, but in most cases is spot on.
  • Sleep is lacking. I had a surprisingly hard time sleeping in LA. I got around 4-5 hours a night, and not very good sleep at that. Not quite sure what it was, but something felt off.
  • Shopping is hard. Especially when it's an all day excursion. I think I'm much more of a get in get out kinda guy... most of the time. Although, finding good deals amongst piles of crap is always fun!
I'm ready for a fresh start in 2009. It'll get off to a bang in New York City! Yay! I'll post some goals that I want to focus on in the coming year later this week. Details, pictures, etc. will be coming soon (aka. when i get some sleep)

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