Monday, July 31, 2006

Friday: TGIF & Boba


I'm still training at work. So everything's been sort of relaxing... sort of. The day concluded with a social TGIF. They had a nice Jazz Band playing outside in the sun. A group of us just chilled at one of the tables, sipping beer and eating food cooked by the lovely Google Chefs. I didn't eat or drink cause I wasn't really in the mood for alcohol and I was still full from Lunch.

Nai cut his thumb by trying to open a beer bottle on the table. Ouch. It was fun talking with Hana, who's last day was Friday. Sometimes, you hardly get to know the co-workers you want to. Then Jackie throws a curveball and says she's leaving to GHANA for 10 days on Saturday. You woulda thought she woulda mentioned that before. Haha. That's Sooooo Exciting!

After work, Nai and I ate dinner at El Pollo Loco, got caught up in some police mess on the streets of Sunnyvale, and had Boba Tea at Fantasia in Cupertino.

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