Monday, November 15, 2010

Roomie Dinner: The Indian Food Edition

In my household, we've instituted roomie dinner nights where we dine out at places around SF. Even though we have completely different schedules, we take the time to spend some QT with each other. We usually have nightly discussions in our kitchen -- the day's news, topics in our lives, random moments. But having a meal, that's just special.

Prior to going to DOSA on Fillmore (with a dessert pit stop at Fraiche Yogurt) a couple of weeks back, We've been to Bistro 9, Saiwaii Ramen and Social Kitchen and Brewery --- all in the Sunset (Minus, DOSA, that is)! We've also taken a few trips to local places like Schweet Boks (hello, cute owner/barista --- Dexter!) and cooked a few meals together.

How did we end up at DOSA? When dining out at Bistro 9, Danny and Greg originally wanted to go to an Indian Curry place. I vetoed as I'm not a huge fan of Indian Food. However, we agreed as a group that our next meal would be Indian and somewhat boughie. Thus, DOSA.

The flavors were powerful, the presentation was artful and the atmosphere was airy. I'd definitely go back.

You know what's funny? Indian food and Mexican food have very similar ingredients and flavors. Fascinating.


Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

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