Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sex In Suburbia: Edition # 1

Any potential with a relationship with anyone who I've been on dates with in the past few months has come and gone.

It's back to the drawing board. I get most of the signals guys pass when they're 'just not that into you.'

I mean, I'm guilty of the same thing. Not calling you back as much, etc. It just sucks when it happens to you. I guess I expect some sort of reason for cutting off contact completely. Not responding to calls, etc. after everything is appearing to be going well.

If two months goes by after talking to each other almost daily and then all of a sudden things end without closure, I tend to wonder, wtf?

Yes, excuses like 'I'm busy' can be the answer, but even that isn't good enough of an excuse in my book. If you have time to brush your teeth, you have time to respond to a phone call, taking 2 minutes out of your day just to say hello.

Another Sea, Another Fish, I say...

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