Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being Local

Nearly 10 days into my stay in NYC and I feel like a local... well, relatively. It's the longest time I've spent spent in the Big Apple in any single visit. Outside of living in Ann Arbor and Washington, D.C., this is the longest I've been in a location while not on vacation. Being here for work has opened my eyes immensely. I almost don't want to leave.

Here are some observations after being in Manhattan for so long:

  • People work late hours in NYC. Most people don't leave work until at least 7pm. This is very very different than what I'm used to.
  • It's very easy for people to burn out easily, but it's something you have control over.
  • People are direct, which people confuse for being rude. I actually quite prefer this. Get rid of the bullshit and just move on.
  • People dress well. I felt completely out of place in my usual California clothes, at least in the workplace.
  • People really care about money. Seriously. It's what rules people in this city. It determines a lot how people make decisions.
  • The smell of fresh air is hard to come by.
  • The East Side of the city is generally looked down upon, as well as anything very north in Manhattan or an borough that's outside of Manhattan.
  • People have their calendars booked. If they don't, it's very easy to get lonely in the city.
  • People eat dinner here very late. 10pm dinner isn't unusual.
  • People are VERY good about including new folks to the city in their groups/hangouts.
  • People in NYC are super clique-y, at least in clubs.
  • People generally have a "I don't care if you like me or not" mentality. There are 6 million people here, if someone doesn't like you, move on. You can't worry about being liked by everyone.
  • It's very rare to run into people you know. When it happens, you get really excited.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but these are some of my random observations.

Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

1 comment:

letopho said...

Lol. Your observations have confirmed that I don't like new York. :P

Probably because I enjoy uncertainty, not being concerned with money and fresh air.