Sunday, March 01, 2009

Netflix Film: Manhattan

So I started my Netflix subscription I got as a gift from my birthday last year. Haha... It's been forever. Thanks Sis.

My first movie was a random choice. I went with Woody Allen's Manhattan. I went to NYC in January, so it's still pretty fresh in my mind.

The cinematography was amazing. It's filmed in black and white. I haven't seen some of that camera work before in films, even though it's quite old from 1979.

The film is mostly dramatic with a few good one liners. The cast was pretty stellar too.
The storyline is about romance and maturity. Woody Allen is into this 17 year old High School girl who's more mature than he is. He falls in love with his friend's extramarital affair of a woman (Diane Keaton). However, things don't quite go his way...

4 out of 5 stars

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