Saturday, February 21, 2009

Advertising in Digital Media for the Younger Generation

*Disclosure: I Work at YouTube*

I was having a conversation with Danny Reed while we were running the town amuck in Washington D.C. The topic of online ads in media came up.

He almost immediately talked about how he hated the pre-rolls on Hulu. That was his first gripe. It sorta surprised me (although I know the vast majority of the population prefer different forms of ads if given the choice in comparison to pre-rolls). I tend to hear from the older crowd (25+) that they're cool with pre-rolls. But the younger generation is WAY too impatient for a 15 second pre-roll.

I wonder if Online Media Distrubutors like YouTube and Hulu will actually let users set preferences to what types of ads they want to see. I guess it will come down to what the average CPM is for each form of advertisement.

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