Sunday, February 15, 2009

Runners High

I love watching KQED. There's always something interesting to watch. I do DVR a few series, one being 'Truly CA.'

The latest episode, Runners High, is a truly inspiring story about an organization called Students Run Oakland (SRO) in which High School kids are trained to run in the Los Angeles Marathon. They get free running shoes to start off in their journey. However the ultimate goal is completing the marathon in Los Angeles. These kids aren't given many opportunities and at the end of the episode you get to see how several of the students progressed beyond High School.

The interesting thing is seeing the diversity of students - both physically and mentally - and how they approached the training. Some were larger, some were smaller. Most were out of shape to begin with. Many people bitched and moaned but were ultimately surprised with how much strain they could put on their body. It's a mental game. The documentary isn't so much about the Marathon as it is an analogy for life. You're gonna be faced with challenges, road blocks and other things in life. It's really about how you handle them, set goals and train your mind to get through them.

I definitely want to train to run a marathon, but start slow.

I know I can run a 5K (a little over 3 miles) in a little over 30 minutes. Next goal will be a 10K. I'll practice on the treadmill. :D

The Trailer


Anonymous said...

Oooohh, I wanna see this. Sounds interesting. :)

You already know you can run a 5k and a 10k, so why not aim higher??? Go for the half-marathon!!! You can do it! Its all a mental game. You just gotta push yourself. Infact, I think you should register to do the Disneyland Half-Marathon this year so I will have another running buddy :) Its not until Sept...that gives you 7 months to train. You can do it!

Btw, I have a schedule you can follow to get yourself to the 13.1 miles. You want me to send it to you?

Will K. said...

Oooh. Please do send! :)

The Disneyland Half Marathon sounds good! I'll def take a look into it.