Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Globe 2007: The Aftermath of the Snow Virgin

I had such a good time at the Google Company Ski Trip, AKA Snow Globe 2007. Did I ski, snowboard, or do anything sporty? No. I just chilled in our nice hotel and shops nearby. I was originally going to go tubing and maybe ice skating. I probably should have, but I got too lazy and was picture crazy.

It was a much needed break from all of the franticness of life. I felt like this was one of the best bonding experiences in my life. I already love my co-workers, but to just chill and hang out in the middle of Lake Tahoe was great.

We stayed at the Resort at Squaw Creek. It was absolutely gorgeous. The interior is what I picture a hotel in a cold weather area to look like. Rocks and Fireplaces are all around. I roomed with Alex. I left around 8am and got there a little after 12pm on Wednesday. I chilled in the Lobby with Vince and then met up with some co-workers to go eat at the Village at Squaw Valley. It's a hotel with some restaurants and shopping. We ate at Fireside Pizza Co. A few of us split some garlic bread and a large BBQ Chicken Pizza. It was super yummy.

After that, we strolled at the shops, took lots of pictures and drank some hot chocolate near some wood burning fire areas. It was a perfect first 'snow' experience. I'd never seen snow up-close in person in my life. It was beautiful. The day we arrived was the first day it snowed in a while. So we got really lucky. I threw a couple of snow balls at Alex. Haha.

After that, we chilled in our cute hotel room and watched some trashy TV. (MTV, VH1, etc.) I hadn't watched daytime TV in a while. Damn. We then had to get ready for the Party down in the Lobby. A few people pre-gamed in Amanda's room while we played Catch Phrase. That was pretty fun. I didn't really drink cause who wants to embarrass themselves in front of a ton of co-workers?

I finally arrived at the Party. There were 3 distinct rooms with food, music, video games (PS3!), and photo taking areas. One was a Rainforest Theme, one was a Ice/Snow Theme and one was a Underwater theme. All of the rooms were cool. I took way too many photos and danced the night away. We even had the 80's Cover Band, Tainted Love. They have great energy and got the crowd going.

All in all, a wonderful evening. I called it quits at 12:30pm. I woke up around 7:45, ate breakfast and jetted back to shuttle that went to Mountain View at 9am. We arrived around 1:15pm this afternoon. Steph, Tin and I went to eat lunch and had a massively fun conversation. I love my co-workers so much! More pictures to come soon!

Throwing Snowballs
The Snow Virgin in Lake Tahoe

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