Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/06 - A Day to Reflect

I'm not really sure to how to describe it, but today I felt really somber. Even if I were laughing, 9/11 was still in the back of my head.

5 years is a long time. I know I've grown as a person, but I'm sure the country has grown as a whole too.

5 Years ago I was worrying about starting college at UCR. I was having dinner with some High School friends and then meeting some other friends at LMU. Sami and Eric, my LMU buddies, had already started college. Not to mention that LMU was right near LAX.

5 Years ago, I didn't let the events in question get the best of me. My day still went on. I went to Best Buy to get the CD I was waiting for... Jamiroquai's "Funk Odyssey." I still love that CD. It means a lot to me.

All I can say is that the one thing that hasn't changed is that GW is still the Prez. That's one thing I was hoping would have changed :/

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