Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kelly Clarkson Concert: The Aftermath

Shoreline Kelly Sign Kelly Closeup

I'm not quite sure why I'm up at 5 am. I think I went to sleep early watching TV. I don't plan on staying up very long. Haha.

Anyways, the Kelly Clarkson Concert was really fun. She did a great job. This was the first time I saw a concert at Shoreline. It reminded me of a twist between the Hollywood Bowl and the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in Irvine. While Alex and I walked from Google to Shoreline, an SUV of Girls said screamed, "Hi.... You guys seem fun. Come find us on the Lawn!" (I thought to myself... yea, right.) Right as we entered the venue, we got a couple drinks at the bar. The drinks actually weren't overpriced. About the same as you'd pay in a bar anywhere locally.

Kelly's set list was eclectic, but I found it to be very entertaining. She played a few songs off the first album, a few songs off her second album, two or three songs off her new album coming in February, her song from the Ford Commercial, and two cover songs. The cover songs were not recognizeable. I guess they are more underground Jazzy/Blues/Funk artists. I know for a fact the she sang a twist on Marc Broussard's, "Home."

The sista can sing. She can belt like no one's business. Apparently she was hoarse for her most recent concerts, but the one in the Bay was her first night where she didn't have a sore throat. Kelly's songs are VERY fun to sing. It's kinda like Karaoke. Everyone was into her.

She interacted with the audience quite heavily. She pulled up some girls to be "jumpers" on stage for "Gone." In her encore, she went to the 2nd floor, kind of near my section to sing two songs. One of them was of course, "Since you Been Gone." At the finale, a big storm of glitter and confetti shot out into the audience. That was fun.

The audience was about 85% female. Ya... seriously. Let me add, female and younger than 15. I ran into a few Google People, which was fun. Also, the line for the females to get into the bathroom was something else. That's the upside to being a man at a Kelly Clarkson concert.

We got out pretty late. I don't think she got on stage until about 9 pm. The audience was doing the Wave for a while before she got on stage. The opener, Rooney, was okay. I don't think the crowd dug them very much. Some of the songs were good. Plus, I've seen them at UCR before. So Ya. I don't think the concert ended until a little before 11 pm.

Some Photos from Flickr (some from other people):

Kelly Clarkson Concert - Opener The Wave Kelly Clarkson - She Waves Kelly Clarkson - Fan Takes a Shot Kelly Clarkson - Belting Kelly Clarkson Concert - Stage Shot Kelly Clarkson Concert Audience

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