Sunday, March 30, 2008

Carrie Fisher's 'Wishful Drinking'

Okay. I'm a self-confessed Star Wars nerd. However, that didn't really play into me seeing Carrie Fisher's one-woman memoir-ish play 'Wishful Drinking' on Friday night at the Berkeley Rep. Carrie Fisher is of course, Princess Leia, just in case you didn't know.

Anyways, I drove up with my friend Roland, showing up a bit late because we hit some killer East Bay Traffic and unexpected bad weather. We watched the first 10 or so minutes of the show in the lobby on the TV, but that didn't really bother me. We were then ushered in with one other woman who showed up late. They made us sit on these stools, which were surprisingly good seats, probably better than the ones I paid for.

We got in and Carrie was in this robe, smoking some cigs telling us about here life. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. She has a knack for delivering one-liners. I really enjoyed the show and never really realized what's she's gone through in her life. I would honestly see it again, if it's extended run didn't end on April 12th. If you're local, I highly suggest going to see it, especially if you don't mind the occasional crude and quirky humor. I also liked her interactivity with the audience. That led to some amazingly funny moments.

One thing to note: I got the 30 under discount. I now understand why. The average age musta been 50+ in that theater. But it's good to see older folks can still laugh. ;)

After the show, we grabbed some dinner at a local pizza place who's name escapes me because it was one of the few quick-serve restaurants still open past 10:30pm. I didn't get pizza, only ice cream. It was this amazingly tasty organic stuff from Marin County.

I wanted to go out after, but Roland was too tired, so we headed home around 11:30 or so.

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