Thursday, December 18, 2008

I love it when friends visit!

Yesterday I got to have dinner with Seymour and Ritchie, who are up here for the week from So Cal. Ty, Danny, Mark and I met up with them for dinner in the Castro at Thai House Express. It's sort of our 'Go To' restaurant for solid food for a good price. We then headed to The Mix for some drinks and lastly ended up at The Midnight Sun . Fun times all around... especially dishing about boys and watching funny clips at The Midnight Sun.

So here's an interesting friendship connection story...

I used to use like a madman during my youth. It was a way for me to escape, make online friends and share my thoughts. Then one day I came across Seymour's Journal. He was a Med Student in the UCR/UCLA Med School Program. We both wen to UCR, but didn't know each other while we were both there. Seymour was technically the first person I uttered (errr... typed) the words 'I'm Gay' to. Well, Margaret Cho was the first person I said something that 'implied' I was gay, but Seymour got the full deal. Haha. We started to hang out in person and became really good friends.

Flash forward to Dec. 2006. I meet Seymour and Ritchie at the Abbey for some drinks to catch up. Ritchie had brought some of his friends... including his former roomie Ty. Now, I don't know any Ty's. Except I had recently seen that a 'Ty' had joined Google and I sent him a welcome message on Downelink. Turns out, it was the same Ty, except I didn't really connect the two.

So the chain goes like this ---> Seymour ---> Ritchie ---> Ty.

Over the past few years I've become really good friends with Ty. We share advice. I probably would have gone nuts without bouncing boy talk off of him. So yea... It's interesting how small the gay community is, especially between Northern and Southern California. I'm happy that good people know other good people. Yay!

Mark, Seymour, Ritchie, Me & Ty @ The Midnight Sun

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