Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting Tired of It

With all of the folks leaving my workplace after many years of working there for one reason or another (going back to school to wanting different work experience), I'm starting to really think hard of what I want career-wise. It's getting close to an un-official 4 years at the GOOG/YouTube. I love the company and the co-workers, but something is really off.

Today was an exhausting day. I haven't had this bad of a work week ever really in my near 4 years of working at GOOG. Drama is sky high. People aren't being professional. I'm getting called out all while dollars are at stake. The pressure is high and I'm not really digging it. In fact, I'm over it. I'm doing work that started out as a favor and is now taking a significant portion of my time. I can't focus and am pulled in a billion different directions. I'm dealing with customers of all segments (GMS, DCS, Torso and Long Tail) and people don't seem to seem to understand how difficult it is to juggle processes for all of these types of customers.

I know bad work weeks shouldn't get the best of me. It's sorta like when personal drama shouldn't affect work life. The weeks don't seem to be getting better, though. And people leaving left and right don't seem to have a positive effect on morale.

I'm thankful my manager seems to want me to be happy. He's always had my back, which I really appreciate. In fact, he basically let me bitch at him for an hour today while we got coffee. He sensed my frustration (well, I'm not good at hiding things) and just chatted about job happiness. Now I have to think long and hard of what I want and solutions to get me there.


Unknown said...

Girrrlllllll...hang in there!


Empress KT said...

I know how you feel. Why do you think I keep going back to school? :)

Stephen Chapman said...


Noticed that you are into photography (on your profile) and I thought that you may be interested in a monthly blog posting that I started in July called "5 on the fifth" where you take 5 random photographs on the fifth of the month and post them to your own blog and then post a comment on MY blog with your name, location and link to your site - I then update my blog entry so the world has your link.


Here's a link to my blog

and a link to the last "5 on the fifth" entry

Will K. said...

Haha. I would go back to school, just for something not business-y. :D