Saturday, October 16, 2010


I was catching up on my DVR of months of recorded TV. I happened to come across the finale of the 7th season of "So You Think You Can Dance."

I saw the performance by Quest Crew (whom I've met and are total sweeties) perform to Caravan Palace's "Suzy."

I hadn't heard ANYTHING like this song ever. I'm a big music nerd. I have a vast depth of (mostly) useless music knowledge. So when I heard this track, my ears perked up. I watched the performance (which was great) but then I had to rewind. And rewind I did. The song totally connected with me. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I did a quick YouTube search to find the music video (below):

I was like, "What music genre is this?" It's totally 1920's, 30's, 40's influenced with a bit of dance and disco thrown in. Disco is one of my favorite genres, so my ears perked up because of that.

I later read a few of the comments and found out this genre of music is called Electroswing. It was born in the late 90's. Apparently there are a few music labels that specialize in this genre, one out of France (hence the heavy influence in the video) called Wagram.

I think I'll do a bit more research to discover some new tunes in this genre of Electroswing. It made my ears tingle. 

Posted via email from sunset to SUNRISE

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