Thursday, July 29, 2010

The random compliment by my dentist

So the last time I saw my dentist was 2 year ago around this time in 2008. She's been my dentist since I was a weeee child.

I had my dental checkup on Tuesday and my mom just had hers today. After she was finished she decided to call me on my cell phone and tell me something. Something that most moms probably wouldn't bother transferring.

Me: <cell phone rings> Hi Mom. What's up?
Mom: I just finished my dental appointment. I just wanted to let you know that your dentist thinks you're devastatingly handsome. Even more gorgeous than the last time she saw you. And you were hot then too.
Me: Oh really? That's so sweet of her to say. I don't really believe it.
Mom: You should. And your Mom thinks so too. And <your dentist> is a straight middle aged female. I know it's not what you're going for but still. You've got to remember you and your friends are probably super picky and you forget what good-looking people look like. Your senses are all out of whack. But you gotta know you're a hottie.
Me: This just feels weird coming from you. But it's super sweet. I guess Mom's (and dentists) don't lie.
Mom: Yea. You've got to remember that you're usually around attractive people. And you probably forget that the average person doesn't even compare to the way you look. You should be really proud.
Me: <blushes>

Leave it to my mom and dentist to lift my self esteem. ;)

I also forgot to mention my dentist thinks I have amazing teeth, too. Especially given the fact that I've never had braces ever. I've always thought so too. I'm trying to keep better care of them than I usually do. I do admit I like my pearly whites.

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