Saturday, March 22, 2008

Back to Dragon

I really needed to have some fun last night. You might say I've been sweet talking my buddy Ty to go out to Club Dragon all week. I haven't been for a while. Next weekend is Ty's birthday and after that, he's going to become a hermit due to studying for his LSAT's. I personally like going to Dragon for the music... it's usually fantastic.

His Diversity Sourcing group at Google went to Circus School for their quarterly group offsite. I'm kinda jealous. It sounded so fun! Juggling, Trapeze, and a ton of other fun stuff. And they went out to dinner afterwards.

I called Ty up and talked him into going out, despite his wishy-washy spirit and being tired for the evening. After all, he was in the Circus for the afternoon. I called him on my way up to the city around 9:30 and picked him up at his pad in the Sunset District, after about 10 minutes of talking him into going out. A sample excerpt is:

Ty: Oh Girl, I'm tired. I went out last weekend.
Me: You have a couple of weeks until you're hermitizing yourself. You can't keep shocking your body. You need a little warm-up.
Ty: Girl, you're working it...
Me: I learn from the best...

It was actually my first time being to his pad. I got to see the infamous shoe storage system. Lol. He place is totally cute and has some nice perks.

We then went to the Castro to pick up Joe, who was at the Cafe (The Nite is called 'Boy Bar'). Although, he didn't end up going with us, so we just headed straight to Dragon around 11:30pm. Ty kept on saying which songs he's liking recently. As I was playing my 'March Music Car CD Mix' I kept on saying 'Girl, It's on it. Just you wait.' I have good taste in music, what can I say?

We got to Dragon and Ty kinda just knows everyone. Lol. We danced for a while, even though the Hip Hop floor music set upstairs was kinda blah. Ty ended up buying me a Malibu and Pineapple, which is about as wussy as you can get. But I don't really drink anymore, so it was cool.

We ran into a lot of fellow Gayglers, slang for Gay Googlers, who were also just chillin' for the night. Jordan, who I haven't seen before (well, maybe in the Gym on campus, now that I think about it) was total eye candy. There was this funny moment of him struggling to get out his Tums. Evan ended up deciding that we need to have lunch on Wednesday. So I think a few of us are gonna shoot for Oasis Cafe, which is located in my former building (*aww memories*).

I also met Ben for the first time in person. He's a nice guy who I occasionally talk to online. He's usually at Dragon and other clubs in the city to support his friends, who might be performing for the evening.

Near the end of the evening, I met Earl, who happens to work at Nirvana. I thought he looked a bit familiar. Nirvana is an Asian Fusion restaurant in the Castro, which I happened to go to with Joe and Bill a few weeks back. The food was great and so was the Eye Candy. Haha. We talked for a bit and even got our dance on for a little while. I offered him a ride home because I had to take Ty home anyways. Earl lives in the Upper Haight, so it's on the way. Ty decided to go home with Fred, so I just took Earl home. I probably should have got his number, but I know where to visit him. Haha. I also know he'll be at Dolores Park on Sunday... which I'm gonna go to so I can chill, people watch, and see the Hunky Jesus contest. Yes, you read that right.

Outside Dragon I also met Jimmy, famous for his Tyra Banks Segment on Interracial Dating. He added me on Downelink a few days earlier. So when we kept on looking at each other outside, we kinda recognized each other. He lives in LA now but visits the Bay every so often. He's a nice guy.

I got home around 3:45am... after driving home listening to some Jams...

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